10月1日(星期六) 全線診所:休息
•旺角診所 及 北角診所:上午10時30分 至 下午5時30分
•太子診所 及 屯門柏健診所:上午10時00分 至 下午5時30分
•紅磡診所 及 屯門齒健診所:休息
Any medical or healthcare information provided by us on this website is for reference or educational purposes only and we do not warrant that such information will meet your health or medical requirements. Furthermore, our website is NOT intended for use in diagnosing or treating medical or health conditions, and is NOT a substitute for qualified professional medical or healthcare advice and should not be treated as such. You should always seek advice from a qualified medical professional or other healthcare service provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or health condition.